

发布时间: 2024-05-10 13:05:32北京青年报社官方账号



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Anthony Accarado, Director of R&D for the Disney/ABC Television Group, added, "we build tools to help our creatives to better understand their stories."


Apart from strategic cooperation with Sogou, Haier will reach partnership deals with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, LingLong Co (a joint venture of e-commerce giant JD and leading Chinese AI company iFlytek) and Mobvoi Inc, a Chinese AI startup backed by Google Inc in the field of AI and smart home.


Antoine Leblond, Sonos vice president of software (and former Microsoft executive) said in a statement: “Alexa set the standard for voice in smart homes, so working with?Amazon?to bring voice control to Sonos for the first time was an obvious choice. This has been a close collaboration from the beginning as we’ve worked together to combine the magic of Alexa with the seamless multi-room audio capabilities that Sonos pioneered. We’re proud of the work we’ve done together as Amazon’s first multi-room partner – all you’ll need is an Alexa-enabled device and playing music out loud on Sonos will be as easy as saying ‘Alexa, play music in the living room.’”


Apart from housing well-known designers and brands, Lane Crawford launched the "Created in China" and the "Creative Callout" programs in 2013 and 2015 respectively, to look for more creative and talented designers among the emerging talents.


Another former chief justice of Hong Kong, Yang Ti-liang, said in a statement on Tuesday that the inherent right of every sovereign state to legislate on national security cannot be refuted.


